I always dreamed of making my own focaccia and when I finally got around to it I shared the moment with you on Instagram. As it turns out, you’ve all been dreaming of making your own too! So here is my simple, same day focaccia recipe. I just made my third focaccia this month so hopefully you find my recipe easy and fun, and eat lots of sandwiches like me!

Same Day Focaccia
Same Day Focaccia

Serves: 4-6

Time: 5 hours

Ingredients –

500g white bread flour 
420ml warm water 
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast 
1 tsp honey or sugar 
2 tsp sea salt 

5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, to line the pan and drizzle on top
1 tsp sea salt, to finish 
2 rosemary sprigs, leaves only, stalks discarded

Method –

Add warm water, olive oil, instant yeast, sea salt and honey to a bowl and whisk together to combine. 

Add the bread flour and mix until you have a dough. Scrap down the sides of your bowl and cover with a tea towel, resting the dough for 15 minutes. 

Once 15 minutes in up, do some stretch and folds by picking up a corner of the dough and folding it over the top, repeating on each 4 corners. Cover again and let it rest for another 15 minutes. 

Repeat the stretch and folds one final time. Cover the bowl and let the dough rest for 1 hour and 30 minutes at room temperature. 

Prepare your baking tray by drizzling 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil on the bottom, followed by baking paper over the top. Drizzle an extra 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil onto the baking paper and spread it out evenly on the tray, getting into the corners. 

Place your rested dough into the oiled tray. Fold the dough into thirds, a burrito like shape. Slide it length ways into the tray and flip it upside down so the smooth side is facing up. Cover and proof for a final 1 hour and 30 minutes. 

Preheat your oven to 220C.

Once the dough has finished its final proof, drizzle with olive oil and dimple the dough by pressing your fingers into it. Add any toppings you like. We have kept it simple with rosemary and sea salt but you could add olives, sun-dried tomatoes, thyme, mushrooms… the list is endless!

Bake on the lowest rack of your oven for 18-23 minutes. Enjoy warm. 

This will last in an airtight container for 2-3 days. 


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