Our Story

Why did we start Two Raw Sisters?

Our relationship with food hasn’t always been rainbows and butterflies. Food has made us happy, sad, guilty, frustrated, confused, excited, bloated… the list goes on.

After suffering from eating disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, and hitting absolute rock bottom, we soon learned the hard way that there is so much more to life. It’s not about what you look like and the calculated thought process that goes into every meal. It’s about seeing food as fuel and creating recipes that make you feel great. Seeing food as enjoyment.

At Two Raw Sisters, diet isn’t in our vocab.

We are a plant-forward company that puts good ingredients first—encouraging you to make plants the centre piece of the plate, adding the meat on the side.

We aren’t vegan or vegetarian and by ‘raw’ we mean using good ingredients in their whole form (we do cook things). Eat your food as your medicine, otherwise, you will have to eat medicine as your food. We aspire to make this confusing topic, light hearted, easy to understand, delicious to eat, light on the bank account, and motivating to maintain healthy habits and feel great.

All eaters are welcome here.

From Margo + Rosa —

We hope by sharing our unfiltered stories, we will inspire you to make a positive change that works for you. Big or small.